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So…as you can see I’ve made a breif come back and so boldly added some new photos. Though I call this shifty cuz you should know I still have more albums I intend to put up – eventually!…but they will be older photos and from past events and the dates and timelines will probably not match up!
Other then that I got nothing…Looking forward to what’s instore, although I’ve no idea what may come!…Enjoy ur-selves, smile + peace
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     So, as you can see I’ve added nothing for months-I am not dead, don’t worry! (the few of you who actually ever see this…).
Though, aside from this, I’ve nothing new to add now. My life has not stopped, Nor have I retired picture taking as a hobby and proof of events in case of memory loss due to inebriation and such…but my time as been spent otherwise perfecting my craft and skill. I am working continuously on my music and writing.
I am learning outside the box, and taking time from the chaos of technology~I am not talented in the the art of wires and circuit boards…I am calming my chi.
I am out there, somewhere-like waldo…lol…but I’ll be back someday…I think!
Ur Friend

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      Okay….So, I am totally just babbling about the "supposed" advances taking place on the web. I am completely SICK of all the sites  changing their formats and design. Nobody asked me if I wanted my pictures put in chronological order or if I wanted all my photo albums rearranged….if so, I probably would have done it myself, not to mention I think this new process is shit and looks terrible…
      Oh, and there’s always the fact that I’ve spent many, many hours setting this up to MY liking, which now seems like a damn waist of my time….THANX! Truthfully, these random changes are pissing me off to the point where I do believe I’ll be spending less & less time here and Probably won’t put up nearly as many pictures as previously…instead I’ll turn the world of burning and printing and keep hardcopy records for myself instead of dealing with all this uncontrollable crap, so that I can organize them however I feel! Since that was my expectation and fondness towards this program since the beging of my affiliation with this site.
again THANX for nothing, keep trying cuz this sux…

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HoL3 iN ThE TrE3!~O~

H0L3 iN tHe Tr3E!~O~
The beauty in the hole in the tree astounds me.
I can stare @ it with the greatest of awe,
and relate to the empty side of the towering giant.
For we both hold to us a missing piece,
a break in our own skin & a wound in our hearts.
We continue to grow around the hallow,
adapting to the gap in our entirity.
Accending to the sky with all the grace we can hold.
Accepting the opening as room to grow, a piece of our all,
of who we’ve become, who we are, What we are.
Soring towards the sun with arms spread
to the farthest depths of our own reach.
Inching on as time passes,
a millimeter closer to the infinite.
Every cut a story, every tear or mark holds history.
The beauty in the hole in the tree astounds me
& I stare @ it with the greatest of awe
in silence, I relate to the empty side of the towering giant.
For we both hold to us a missing piece.
by: Ixander Lacroix
Summer 2008′
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10 years of friendship & a province travelled!!

This is a video that a friend of mine made for my 25th b-day.
We’ve been friends since we were 15 years old and we’ve had dozens of adventures
all over our beautiful province (Ontario).
HeReS t0 T3N yEaRs….& ToNn3S MoRe!!!!

Thanx…fer all the good times….Lex McGrath!
Lotsa Love bubs!!

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BR3@kAWaY! (Lonely Night)

(A.K.A. Lonely Night)
By: IX! Lacroix
Ok…so this is the first song I’ve fully finished & it was written for my love ‘sake.
I KNOW, I KNOW…..I am not a singer, but I don’t mind that at all.
I just want to make music, not sing it….so forgive the tortured banshee’s that resemble my voice…
Also, I realize it needs to be tightened up, properly memorized and fix’d up in areas,
there are certain lyrikz I’m not too happy with – but they fit for the time being…
So, Here goes nothing…..ENJOY! & please be nice….it’s my first time ;P!
& attempt #2:
& this is #3 – which is getting a bit tighter and
slowly getting better!
Well, that’s it fer now folks.
I hope you liked it…let me know what u think!!!
Please be kind…:( !!
IX! Lacroix
Written: July/2008′
Posted in Music | 1 Comment

Th3R3 WiLl B3 R0SES!

Th3R3 WiLl Be R0SES!
This garden of dirt is pain’d + aching,
burnt from the echoes of flamed tragedy.
Ground salted by the tears that weep in agony,
For the earth is black with ash
& soot stains those moments that are light.
This season stole the petals of your passion,
withered and weakened their branches.
Trampled the flowerbeds + storm’d the trenches,
mangled the roots and poisioned their chances.
These morbid thorns ripping up our past.
This garden of dirt is empty + naked.
Broken down to nothing more then dust,
blown into oblivion with the early winds of dusk.
The oxygen runs thin with hunger & thick with smoke,
clouds of fear + anger rain down this weary night.
Eternity raged in seconds and took your very life.
Smuthered your energy while crippling your breath,
Spirit taken ‘way by the reaper of death.
These few memories are all I’ve got left,
though the fragrance of roses shall everlast.
This garden of dirt is tainted + lame,
to evermore sprout sickly seeds
of venomous twigs & tretcherous weeds.
Soil soured, So much lost.
Ashes spread among rows we cross.
Darkness overcomes these times,
Piece X piece I’m losting it, lost under seige
drowning slowly – just out of reach.
Distorted fragments fading fast.
This garden of dirt lays desolate in ruins,
burried by a mountain. oh so faint.
Sandy termoil, all nutrients drained.
Burnt to cinders, devastation remains,
eating raw this frozen terrain – Nearly forgot.
& not a seedling grows in only shadow,
bears no blossoms, holds no fruit.
All I own is tortured blame,
For nothing shall remain the same +
I will not see you again, but alas…
This garden of dirt is surrounded by tombstones,
obleisks, angels + monuments towards mourning.
Heartbreak and loss, An ora of warning.
A century of lives, all ages & faces
humanity taken, So many ways and places –
Though the flowers will not grow here,
in this garden of dirt + spirits, this I promise:
they will be flawless & there will be roses.
There will be roses,
There Will Be ROSES Once Again!.
Written by: IX! Lacroix
For: Carol Irene Neill
Grandmother & Godparent
(Pass’d Dec. 25, 2006 in a house fire)
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Kr@k-HoUsE FiR3!!!

KR@k-H0US3 FiR3!!!
June 12, 2008!
Today was incredibly Cr@zY!
It started at 3am-ish with my girlfriend running in waking me all crazy with excitment and blabbling…
I was so exhausted I couldn’t even grasp what the she was saying.
"I’ve gotta go to the police station…Fire-bomb…statement…Get up, get up…"
I finally got up to this burnt smell & Ace explaining the situation at hand.
Apparently, she heard yelling and stupidity outside in the wee hours and naturally assumed
it was some drunkin’ fools as usual.
Then she heard screaming and someone mentioning a moltav and burning & get out of the house and also saw the kids fleeing from the scene.
So, @ 2:45am curiosity creeping in, Ace decides to leave with out even telling me or leaving a note – to go and check-out this maddness in the street…
So,after speaking with the police and grabbing some footage of the scene,
Ace came home in a crazed-stuper waking me up with the tail that we needed to go down to the police station so she could give a statment of all the shit she heard and saw….yadda yadda yadda!!
So, at 4 in the morning we were both standing in the street watching firefighter’s smash out windows and
scale the rooftop of a supposed crack house in a blaze.
Officer Young, this 6"6.5′ huge cop escorts us down to the police station, which is only a few blocks away, but we rode in a cop car (115) and I got stuck in the plastic box (the bad-guy seat)…
So, Ace could give her statement.
Officer Young took us home after about 40-45 mins.,
and when we got there the fire fighter’s were begining to wrap up & sift through the mess of it all 
And CHCH news was setting up to brodcast the incident.
Sean Cowan was reporting live from right outside our window’s
& we watched from our balcony.
These are a few of the broadcast we caught off the news throght out the morning about the fire.
Staring….U got it! Sean Cowan of CHCH news…
(Broadcast #1)
(Broadcast #2)
& finally (Broadcast #3)
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‘Rage, rage…(I, II, III, IV, & V)’

‘Rage, rage!’



Rage, rage the beast beneith my chest.

Thunder reigns attention to thy crown

Beating sharp, the truth & tie that’s bound

thyne essence to this mortal wretch’d rhealm.

Keep ablaze one single firey star.

Gentle, O the twilight, rests upon her gaze

guide I, til morning ‘long the flow of rolling waves,

hung so sweet, devinely @ the edges of her face.

Adoration’s borne to a breath that hath escaped,

lead to second passings, spirits mingle with the fates.

Extacy cascading, supple lips that separate

elegance enchanting, left me weak at heaven’s gate.

Ignite thyne very passions, burn the torch within my core.

Intoxicated energy spills over mine own skin,

beauty fit for angels walks among the common sin.

Striken by her smile, captivat’d, trapped within.

Enrage the very life force coursing threw thyne every vain.

Awaken all desires and release thy every pain,

ravage all my hatred, O my Lady, make me sane.

Reborn upon her greatness, mine own evils she hath slain.


Rage, rage the violent coursing drum.

Float amidst the fairies fugent wings,

tempers burn, thyne raving fever sings.

Pluck the magic notes from off thy strings.

Reverberate enchantment over me.

Bring to life such ancient fabled tales,

fantacies that shall never shatter just as shale,

to reveal this true reality so frail.

My duty doth lie upon thy heart, for

the stars shall fall to shambles, whisper out among the past,

the mountains will crumble & the clouds turn to ash

only to disintegrate into the darkest of black,

all that remains of this broken weeping hour.

I am sick, sick with love @ this amorous play,

dither trepidation steals thy nights away,

tho an instance in her presence & all my worries stray. 

The fairest complexion, the clearest of eyes

intense seduction at just the touch of a finger,

emense emotion thy footsteps seem hindered,

that fragrance that hours later, still seems to linger.


Rage, rage the wild fires upon my breast

burning deep to warm thy flesh and core.

Roaring waves break silence against the shore.

As thyne pluse beats rhythmically for thee Ador’d.

Shine the glowing fate of mine eternity.

Radiant, the glimmer cast thy dreams off her halo.

Magnificent, the flame caught in the effervescent window

of her eyes, just beyond the lies & thus their shadows.

My affections caged, as the cloud has trapp’d a tear.

Soft and kindred mistress such eccentric virtues rare,

As a mythical divinity, the moonlight basks her hair.

Frozen in reality, Not a moment lived compares.

At the command of her hand with the slightest of touch,

I will oblidge thee, I’ll turn fire to liquid then ice into stone.

Search each of the continents for a deserving throne,

carved out of petals & the sweetest of tones.

My Lady uplifting, muse to thyne ink,

vanquish thy demon’s & enlighten ambitions,

such vision astounding, a life time conflicted.

Though, within her presence the world’s weight has been lifted.


Rage, rage such frantic desires, wherefrom?

Nafarious fantacies slip into & amongst thy very dreams,

ride amidst the days along the sun’s blinding gleam,

follow in the night on golden chariots of moonbeam.

Cast ardent inspiration from the face of my devine

enthrall’d with motivation to imprint her beauty upon all time,

to echo in these pages, the angels voice that rings in chime.

Ripple thy admiration spilling forth in every line.

Lost within the scent bestow’d Poisidon & his sea.

Battled Zuse & Hades for the treasures in her eyes,

though, ’tis a single location where such an amulet lies,

upon the breaking dawn when lids and lashes slowly rise,

& the killing moon dies angry, taking yet another night.

Splended opulence rains down icy sins around me

whil’st ash burns blackend hellish scars upon thee-

hateful judgement splits thy skin, twigs & rocks, I’m weeping.

I will seal mortal curses from her kiss,

& steal demonic blessings with her lips.

Though her soul shall block out hell in an eclipse

that has the phantom talons of lucifer breaking grip.


Rage, rage the arrow mark it’s quest.

Blind boy love aims straight & true & right,

Cupids potion fills my soul with light,

though I am deafened by the darkness of the night.

The Archer pierce the fire stars into the moonless sky

Beauty caught, amidst the breeze floating as a leaf, caress her cheek.

Whispered brilliant silence with a tremble, O so weak.

Adoration hidden in the shadows of her speak.

Explosions burst within me to ignite this lovers opus.

Pandamonium spills forth @ the sight of my obession,

thy only wish to conqure with this awkard composition,

these trite and banal words are but a fraction of my emotions.

For I would rather die tomorrow or simply spend eternity alone.

if I should not be granted privilage to admire the one I love,

take away these words I cherish, take my ink and pen, but to take thy ladylove

would be torture & such sin, so just send thee on thy journey into Heaven up above.

Or leave these humbled lover’s to the life that they have choosen.

For I will Write briliance in phrases to catch her attention,

then astound her with elegance caught from her inspiration,

I will forever fight for her love and devotion.



Written by: ix! Lacroix

(Strange Series…)

Inspiration: Candace/Experence/Attitudes/Beliefs & all the bullshit we’ve endured










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